Guest Post: An Explanation of Yahoo’s Standard Deviation Stat Filter

By Johnny Guestpost

A few years ago, Yahoo introduced a new option for filtering its player list in fantasy hockey: standard deviation or “std dev”.  This may have gone under the radar for a lot of people but it can actually be a very useful tool, especially in stat-category leagues, if you know how to use it.  Continue reading “Guest Post: An Explanation of Yahoo’s Standard Deviation Stat Filter”

A Commissioner’s Manifesto (Part 5 – In Search of the Perfect Points System)

by Johnny Fantasy

Setting up a fantasy hockey league is no easy task if you want to do things right.  While it’s impossible for fantasy to exactly track reality, I always wanted to find a league setup that did the fairest job of approximating reality and that would provide the best experience of managing a hockey team of NHL players.  To that end, there are the some basic principles I’ve settled on over the years.  In part 4, we tried to find the best balance of categories for a stat-categories league.  Here in part 5, we’ll try to figure out the best way to weight the stat categories for a Yahoo fantasy-points league. Continue reading “A Commissioner’s Manifesto (Part 5 – In Search of the Perfect Points System)”